Dr. Ing. Bijan Khazai
- Geophysikalisches Institut
- Loss Assessment for Earthquakes, GEM, EUFP7 Project SYNER-G, World Bank Institute „Risk Analysis“ e-Learning, Megastadt Istanbul – Indicator Systems, Vulnerabiltiy Arbeitsgruppe – Baden Württemberg
- Tel.: +49 721 608-44442
- bijan khazai ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Geophysikalisches Institut
Hertzstr. 16
D-76187 Karlsruhe
Dr. Bijan Khazai is a research scientist at Karlsruhe University's Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology (CEDIM).He holds Masters and Doctoral degrees in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley, where he worked on developing GIS-based landslide hazard assessment models in the San Francisco Bay Area. Before moving to Germany, Dr. Khazai was a post-doctoral research fellow at Kyoto University's Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI) and Columbia University's Earth Institute. He has been involved in the socio-economic assessment of recovery and reconstruction processes working in the field following disasters in Iran, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and New Orleans. Dr. Khazai's research interests are social vulnerability analysis, megacity and urban risk, and information technology for post-disaster recovery planning. As a project specialist for Earthquake and Megacities Initiative (EMI), he has worked in a number of applied projects in Istanbul, Amman and Metro Manila and Mumbai.
- Geological Hazards and Risks
Main Research
- Indicators
- Social Vulnerability Analysis
- Megacity and Urban Risk
- Loss Assessment for Earthquakes
- GEM (Global Earthquake Model)
- EUFP7 Project SYNER-G (Systemic Seismic Vulnerability and Risk Analysis for Buildings, Lifeline, and
- Infrastructures Safety Gain)
- World Bank Institute „Risk Analysis“ e-Learning
- Megastadt Istanbul – Indicator Systems
- Vulnerabiltiy Arbeitsgruppe – Baden Württemberg
- stellvertretender Sprecher des Kompetenzfeld "Geosphäre & Risikomanagement", KIT
- Younger Members Committee, EERI - Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
- Consulting Member, EMI – Earthquake and Megacities Initiative
- 2-day training program on disaster risk reduction management for local professionals, managers and policy makers”, 9th World Congress of Metropolis (October 22-25, 2008), Sydney, Australia
- 3-day Disaster Risk Reduction Workshop on “Urban Disaster Risk Management Principles and Tools”, Metropolis Training Seminars in Mashhad, Iran, May 4-7, 2009
- Franco, G., Green R., Khazai, B., Smyth A. W., Deodatis, G.: “Field Survey of Katrina Depth-Damage Relationships for New Orleans Homes”, ASCE Manuscript number: NH/2007/022481, Accepted for publication in ASCE Natural Hazards Review, 2009
- Khazai, B., Ingram, J., Saah, D.: “The Protective Role of Natural and Engineered Defense Systems in Coastal Hazards”, Report prepared for the Kaulunani Urban and Community Forestry Program of the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawaii, 69 p., 2007.
- Ingram, J.C., Franco, G., Rumbaitis del Rio, C., Khazai., B.: “Post-disaster recovery dilemmas: challenges in balancing short-term and long-term needs for vulnerability reduction,” Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 9, Issues 7-8, November-December 2006, Pages 607-613., 2006.
- Khazai, B., Franco, G., Ingram, J. C., Rumbaitis del Rio, C., Dias, P., Dissanayake, R., Chandratilake, R., Kanna, J.: “Post-Tsunami Reconstruction in Sri Lanka and its Potential Impacts on Future Vulnerability,” Earthquake Spectra 22, S829, 2006.
- Hussain, S., Khazai, B., Nisar, A., Dellow, G., “Learning from Earthquakes: The Kashmir Earthquake of October 8, 2005: Impacts in Pakistan”, EERI Special Earthquake Report, February 2006. Electronic copy available at: https://www.eeri.org/lfe/pdf/kashmir_eeri_2nd_report.pdf
- Khazai, B., Hausler, E. :“Intermediate Shelters in Bam and Permanent Shelter Reconstruction in the Villages following the Bam, Iran Earthquake of December 26, 2003,” Earthquake Spectra 21, S487, 2005.
- Tierney, K., Tobin, T., Khazai, B., Krimgold, F., 2004, “Learning from Earthquakes: Social and Public Policy Issues following the Bam, Iran Earthquake”, 2004, EERI Special Earthquake Report,Vol 21, S513, August 2004.
- Amini Hosseini, K., Madavifar, M. R., Keshavarz Bakhshayesh, M., Khazai, B., Azadi, A., Sohrabi Bidar, S., Ravanfar, S., Kamalpour, F., Rakhsandeh, M., and Banki, S.: “Chracteristics of Seismically Induced Landslides in the May 28, 2004, Firoozkuh Earthquake in Northern Iran”, Summer, 2004. Electronic copy of IIEES Research Report, available at: https://www.iiees.ac.ir/publication/pub_paj_sum_83.html.
- Khazai, B., Sitar, N.,: “Evaluation of Factors Controlling Earthquake-Induced Landslides Caused by Chi-Chi Earthquake and Comparison with the Northridge and Loma Prieta Events,” Engineering Geology, Volume 71, Issues 1-2, January 2004, Pages 79-95. 2002.
- Lin, M. L., Hung J. J., Bardet, J. P., Sitar N., Khazai, B.: Chapter 5 of the Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake of September 21, 1999, in Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 17A. 2001.
- Bray, J. D., Sancio, R. B., Kammerer A. M., Merry, S., Rodriguez-Marek, A., Khazai, B., Chang, S., Bastani, A., Collins, B., Hausler, E., Dreger, D., Perkins, W. J., and Nykamp, M., “Some Observations of Geotechnical Aspects of the February 28, 2001, Nisqually Earthquake in Olympia, South Seattle, and Tacoma, Washington”, Pacific EQ. Engrg, Rec. Cen., , March 8, 2001. Electronic copy of Report available at: https://peer.berkeley.edu/nisqually/geotech/index.html
- Khazai, B., Sitar, N.: “Assessment of Seismic Slope Stability Using GIS Modeling,” Geographic Information Sciences, Vol. 6, No.2, December 2000, 121-128, 2000.