Dr. Sandra Laskowski
- Geopyhsical Institute
- Project "MATRIX"
- phone: +49 721 608-44686
- sandra laskowski ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Geophysikalisches Institut
Hertzstr. 16
76187 Karlsruhe
Dr. Sandra Laskowski studied Geography, Sociology and Spanish at the Ruhr-University Bochum. She used her focus on project management and empirical research to conduct (inter)national education projects.
In 2003 she organized the education project “World and Water” for the Asociación Hoteles Romana Bayahibe in the Dominican Republic and wrote her diploma thesis about “Language promotion as an integration tool for immigrants” in 2005.
In cooperation with the international NGO HELP – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e.V. she run the Tsunami Education Project (TEP) in Sri Lanka from 2006 till 2007. After that she received her PhD for “The importance of geography education as a part of disaster risk reduction using the example of the Tsunami Education Project (TEP) in Sri Lanka after the Tsunami 2004 in the Indian Ocean”.
Dr. Sandra Laskowski worked for different companies, last as a lecturer in the field of adult education, before she joined the Geophysical Institute in February 2011, where she was part of the team untill January 2014.
Research Interests-
- Disaster Risk Reduction
- Capacity Building
- (Inter)National education projects
MATRIX - New Multi-Hazard and Multi-Risk Assessment Methods for Europe
REAKT - Strategies and tools for Real Time Earthquake Risk Reduction
- Klose, T. & Laskowski, S.: Den Tsunami verstehen – die Bedeutung geographischer Bildungsarbeit als Teil katastrophenpräventiver Maßnahmen am Beispiel des Tsunami Education Project (TEP) in Sri Lanka nach dem Tsunami 2004 im Indischen Ozean. Dissertation, Bochum, 2009.
- Klose, T. & Laskowski, S.: Geographische Aufklärungsarbeit nach Naturkatastrophen: Das Tsunami Education Project (TEP) in Sri Lanka. In: Geographie und ihre Didaktik, Heft 4 (36), 178-195, Köln, 2008.