
 Amadeus Bramsiepe
"When the storm chasers move out"

The LIFT research project aims to improve hail forecasting; Michale Kunz in an interview with Stefan Fuchs from Campus-Radio (in German).

 Jaroslaw Kwoczala | Unsplash
Extreme temperatures and heat stress in urban public spaces

Development of methods to spatialy visualise thermal comfort in heterogeneous urban areas using remote sensing data.



 Katharina Küpfer
Clustering analysis of damage-related hydro-meteorological extreme events in southwest Germany

Clusters of different hydro-meteorological extremes occur particularly in the summer and are only statistically significant with an event definition of a fixed length.



KIT – That's why: Sustainability and Climate

Studying at KIT means: excellent, research-oriented teaching, international orientation, diverse campus life, and countless other possibilities and opportunities, including a better understanding of natural disasters and helping to adapt to them.




 Andreas Schäfer
Earthquakes – Living with Risk

Earthquakes continue to cause destruction and loss of life worldwide. In the Planet Wissen contibution, Andreas Schäfer explains on the challenges of disaster research, the relevance of damage estimates, and the earthquake safety of buildings (in German).

Podcast "The Climate" with the topic Floods in Germa

Podcast with Peter Knippertz about the Ahr flood 2021, the two related CEDIM papers, climate change and flood protection.


link (in German)

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