Massive earthquake at the Iran-Iraq border
[13.11.2017 09:45 MEZ]
An earthquake of magnitude 7.3 (depth of 22 km) hits yesterday the region between Iraq and Iran at 18:18 UTC (12.11.2017). Dozens of people died and hundreds were injured.
Already at 19:41 UTC, CEDIM scientists published a so-called "shaking map", which reflects the potential disaster impact based on the ground motion and shaking intensity after an earthquake (see Figure, © Andreas Schäfer, KIT).
First damage estimates by Dr. James Daniell, Senior loss modeler in CEDIM, has calculated that the expected economic losses will be 345 million $ (range: $119m to $787m). The total fatalities is estimated to 346 (range 87 to 905). Currently, 222 dead have been confirmed (as of 13.11.2017, 8:45 UTC).
More (current) information can be found on